Join us, Mama. Click on the locations below to find out exactly when and where we meet for class!

Virtual On-line Class
During periods where we are unable to hold class at our normal venues we will be offering Virtual workouts! Sweat from home with us! We use Zoom as our digital platform to allow video and audio sharing between virtual attendees so we maintain the social aspect of our classes. You will need a free Zoom account to join our virtual classes. The link will be posted in a note for the class. In our virtual classes you will get a variety of formats, but there will always be progressions, regressions, and modifications offered so the workouts can be done by mom in any stage of motherhood (pregnant, 6 weeks postpartum, and beyond).
SE Portland, OR

Reedwood Friends Church
Friends of Reedwood Church is centrally located in SE Portland for easy access from most parts of the city.
We use the Friendship Center located on the lower level. When you enter the parking lot continue to the left half way around the building. Park right in front the wall of windows and come on in! You'll see us ;-)
When we need to keep class entirely outdoors please park in the front parking lot and continue on foot along the drive around the building. You will see us set up in the private parking lot. Lot's of outdoor space to use and beautiful indoor restrooms available.
- 2901 SE Steele St
- Portland, OR 97202

Mt. Tabor Park
All year, all weather class at Mt Tabor Park! Monday, Wednesday, Friday we meet in the grassy area across from the parking lot and Visitor's Center. In the event the area in front of the pavilion is occupied (summer camp or special events) we will meet at the back of the Visitor's Center parking lot, next to the actual Visitor's Center. Warm-up begins at 9:30 AM and we are visible from the parking lot for approximately 10 min. After that we travel about the park. If you're running late come anyways! #momlife If you don't see us please call Ruth at 503-250-0258 and we'll make sure we meet up.
Please note on Wednesday's the park is closed to cars (awesome for our workouts!) which means we park around 69th and Yamhill and walk up to our regular meeting spot. Think of it as extended warm-up ;-)
- SE Salmon Way and, Southeast Park Drive
- Portland, OR 97215

The Porch Coffee Space
- 6725 SE Kelly St.
- Portland, OR, 97206